Friday 24 February 2017

Mudmasky's Facial Detox Purifying Recovery Mask

So as you might have seen on my Instagram account I have been non-stop raving about this product, but I wanted to make sure that I had tried and tested it for at least a few weeks before writing a review and reflecting on its quality. 
I've been using Mudmasky for the past two weeks, around three times per week, so that's six times in total. It's really simple, and although I swear by my usual three product skincare routine, I will definitely be making room for this at least once a week for a skin pamper session. Like any normal mask you leave it on for around 8-12 minutes, until the mud dries and makes you face feel tight (it does sting so be careful!), I like this as it makes you feel like to product is doing its job. After, simply wash it off with cold water, it can be a bit tough so I'd suggest using a flannel or cold cloth to help scrape off the remnants. 
This product has done absolute wonders for my skin. If you've read any of my other posts you'll know that I am a firm believer in changing up your skin routine every once in a while, just like your shampoos. Your body can get too used to a certain product, so it's nice to give it a change every now and then. I feel this sudden change gives my skin/hair a little bump into action and is an indulging refresher. Mudmasky will bring out spots the day after its use, but don't go thinking that it's made your skin worse, it is simply doing its job and giving your skin a deep purifying recovery detox, clearing out all the dirt and muck from your pores. After 2-3 days your skin will be looking clean, clear and radiant. Many face masks instantly dry out your skin, or in fact, do the opposite and make it super oily. Mudmasky has a great balance of ingredients that hydrate (but not too much!), brighten and sooth. There's only one down-side, that you've got to leave it on for 8-12 minutes, but in all honesty, when dealing with a face mask this is something to expect. I might be fussy but I, unfortunately, do not have the time to do what the packet suggests and use it a few times a week, but I will try to find the time to use it at least once because of its fab results! 
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