Sunday, 31 March 2019

Bangin' Booty: Going for Glutes

Second post of the year here - I feel I've been slacking slightly but sometimes you can lack inspiration. I've been working hard on some personal stuff, getting a new job and making sure my head is in the right space. 

I haven't done a fitness-based post in a while and thought I'd treat yah! 

I don't often separate upper and lower days at the gym - mostly because I get soooo bored when isolating upper and doing back/arm stuff on its own. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE a booty workout and when my legs feel like jelly the next day I know I'm doing something right! 

Soo here are a few things that I do to get the pump going... 

1. Russian Split Squats

2. Jumping Squats alt with Squats & lift with dumbbell 

3. Partial Deadlifts

3. Glute Bridges alt with Hip Thrusts

5. Mountain Climbers alt with Hip Extensions 

6. Seated Leg Curls

7. Lying Leg Curls 


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