Since finishing university and entering the working world I've found myself often falling into a bit of a hole. Motivation sometimes escapes the best of us and recently I've had conversations with multiple friends about how they have struggled over the past year or so. After two or three years working, it starts to feel a bit repetitive, day in, day out, tube there, tube home. I know two friends who are currently feeling this way, one is thinking about switching things up and moving abroad, the other is still trying to find her motivation and I hope that a few of my words on here will give her a little something, a hand, because we've all been there and we know that we'll be back at some point in the future. It's getting to know yourself, what keeps you happy, motivated and energised day to day for the good things to come!

Respect Your Body
This can be a number of things but taking time to respect your body is key. For me this means eating a healthy diet, heading to the gym or practicing yoga. I'm not lying - it's science! Giving yourself those happy endorphins is going to make you feel soooo much better. Also, I think its pretty obvious that you're gonna feel a lot better whipping yourself up a fresh meal rather than having a greasy takeaway. I'm not saying to not treat yourself, far from! I'm a big believer in treating yourself to a chocolate brownie or a pizza but if you're feeling rubbish, rubbish food is not gonna make you feel any better.

Take a Break
Don't overwork yourself! Learn that there's a time for 'go' and a time for 'stop'. If you don't set these boundaries your work is going to be a lot less productive and the quality of your work will slowly deteriorate, the lines will blur. Your time is vital to maintaining a happy state of mind. Whether your you time is reading a book, taking a bath or meditating, whatever your thing is make sure you're taking at least 10 minutes a day to let your mind rest and restore.

Keep the Balance
There's a reason people say balance is key. Work, play and relax! Take time for all three, you can't fully appreciate each one without the others. If you're working hard and have to stay late at work treat yourself to that glass of wine, go for cocktails with the girls but still attend that Boxercise class on Saturday morning. That said if you're knackered, sleep in! Listen to your body, there's a reason why it asks for different things.
Keep Those That Matter Close
Keep those that are positive around. You know what pushes you further when you're feeling down - bad vibes! If you're in a negative environment it's going to rub off on you. Over the past two years, I've started to recognise those friends that have a positive impact on my mental state and you know what? I spend a lot more time with them now and this makes me a hella lot happier!

Try Something New
I love trying new things. I realised a few years ago that I used to hold back from the unknown, you see I'm a fairly organised person and when I don't have order I can get stressed and anxious. Slowly, slowly I started to introduce doing new things, whether they were new activities, going to new places or even spending more time with new people and I realised that I love it! Don't get me wrong, there's always a chance that you're going to stumble across a few things that you don't like. This weekend I went to my first ever spin class and went wreath making and I bloody loved both! Trying new things gives you a chance to learn more about yourself and isn't that fun?

Learn to Say No!
Don't want to do it? Just say no. Too tired? Say no. Too stressed? say no. We are all scared to say it but the reality is nobody really cares that much, you're allowed to say no and you won't be penalised if you say it occasionally.

Don't Let your Anxt Win!
Often when you lack motivation you don't really want to leave the house. Here's an example: It's a Saturday and you've not made any plans, so what do you do? I know I've had days sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and it can get to 7pm and you've not even left the house - but you know what, kick your ass into gear! Head out for a walk, go do your weekly shop, start your Christmas shopping or go visit a friend, because I'll tell you a secret, sitting doing nothing... does nothing. Crazy, I know right?! Even if you feel really rubbish, sometimes you've gotta force yourself, because at the end of the day YOU are the only person that can maintain your motivation!

Respect Your Body
This can be a number of things but taking time to respect your body is key. For me this means eating a healthy diet, heading to the gym or practicing yoga. I'm not lying - it's science! Giving yourself those happy endorphins is going to make you feel soooo much better. Also, I think its pretty obvious that you're gonna feel a lot better whipping yourself up a fresh meal rather than having a greasy takeaway. I'm not saying to not treat yourself, far from! I'm a big believer in treating yourself to a chocolate brownie or a pizza but if you're feeling rubbish, rubbish food is not gonna make you feel any better.
Take a Break
Don't overwork yourself! Learn that there's a time for 'go' and a time for 'stop'. If you don't set these boundaries your work is going to be a lot less productive and the quality of your work will slowly deteriorate, the lines will blur. Your time is vital to maintaining a happy state of mind. Whether your you time is reading a book, taking a bath or meditating, whatever your thing is make sure you're taking at least 10 minutes a day to let your mind rest and restore.
Keep the Balance
There's a reason people say balance is key. Work, play and relax! Take time for all three, you can't fully appreciate each one without the others. If you're working hard and have to stay late at work treat yourself to that glass of wine, go for cocktails with the girls but still attend that Boxercise class on Saturday morning. That said if you're knackered, sleep in! Listen to your body, there's a reason why it asks for different things.
Keep Those That Matter Close
Keep those that are positive around. You know what pushes you further when you're feeling down - bad vibes! If you're in a negative environment it's going to rub off on you. Over the past two years, I've started to recognise those friends that have a positive impact on my mental state and you know what? I spend a lot more time with them now and this makes me a hella lot happier!

Try Something New
I love trying new things. I realised a few years ago that I used to hold back from the unknown, you see I'm a fairly organised person and when I don't have order I can get stressed and anxious. Slowly, slowly I started to introduce doing new things, whether they were new activities, going to new places or even spending more time with new people and I realised that I love it! Don't get me wrong, there's always a chance that you're going to stumble across a few things that you don't like. This weekend I went to my first ever spin class and went wreath making and I bloody loved both! Trying new things gives you a chance to learn more about yourself and isn't that fun?
Learn to Say No!
Don't want to do it? Just say no. Too tired? Say no. Too stressed? say no. We are all scared to say it but the reality is nobody really cares that much, you're allowed to say no and you won't be penalised if you say it occasionally.
Don't Let your Anxt Win!
Often when you lack motivation you don't really want to leave the house. Here's an example: It's a Saturday and you've not made any plans, so what do you do? I know I've had days sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and it can get to 7pm and you've not even left the house - but you know what, kick your ass into gear! Head out for a walk, go do your weekly shop, start your Christmas shopping or go visit a friend, because I'll tell you a secret, sitting doing nothing... does nothing. Crazy, I know right?! Even if you feel really rubbish, sometimes you've gotta force yourself, because at the end of the day YOU are the only person that can maintain your motivation!