Yes ladies it's that time again... the beach body scare. If you started your Summer-body gym routine in January then you have absolutely nothing to worry about, but if you, alike myself, lost track of the dates and have now realised your holiday is only a few weeks away, don't fear! Here's a few tips to help yourself feel more comfortable slipping into that bikini...
1. The Motivation
If you've got the motivation to get into your gym gear and start some exercise, you are already half way there. I can't count the amount of times i've cancelled a gym session due to sheer laziness. I find that sometimes just by buying myself a new item of fitness wear I am more keen to get myself to the gym, this has been as little as a new sports bra from Gap fit.
2. Goals
We need to be realistic with our goals, but this doesn't mean you can make excuses for not having enough time! Up your workout sessions by one or two extra a week, and if this isn't possible you could still do a 30 min workout in your living room. There are plenty of ab, leg and chest workout tips and tricks on Pinterest that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
3. Fitness partner
This is also a form of motivation. I go to the gym with either one of my girl pals or my boyfriend, although I have been made aware many people wouldn't set foot in a gym along with their other half. I find that having two people I can train with helps enormously. This is because you are not merely letting yourself down if you don't go, but also the other person. When training with a friend you can do routine exercises that involve two people and if you miss one of these sessions then that other person has been left to train on their own.
4. Fad Diets
I personally am very against numerous fad diets such as teatoxing, juicing and all these so called 'cleansing' courses. These are not a healthy way to loose weight and can cause serious harm to your body. Juicing is a great way to get multiple vitamins in one go, but should be done in addition to a healthy diet, not on it's own. instead of teatoxing try drinking more water, attempt to drink around two litres a day, this will make sure you keep hydrated and that you aren't feeling hungry due to dehydration. If you want to try any fad diets I recommend doing A LOT of research beforehand.
5. Enjoy it!
Try and find a form of exercise you enjoy. Research shows that if you enjoy your exercise you are far more likely to benefit from it as you put more effort into the routine. Whilst at the gym I enjoy doing circuits but when these start to feel repetitive or boring I like to go to Body-Combat classes, Yoga or go for a run. I believe variety is key for an enjoyable fitness routine.