So I know the title of the blog post seems pretty self-absorbed and vain, and yeah, although pretty abrupt and quite self-centered, that's what I am to be a bit more of in 2018. 2017 was a year that taught me a lot of lessons, all good, and I feel was a year of growth. Now 2018 has begun I am making a conscious effort to do what makes ME happy. So many of us go about our daily lives and routines, forgetting one key ingredient to life, being happy. So starting now I am going to put myself out there. And here's how...

1. Get out and about doing activities that I enjoy.
Go to all those art exhibitions I said I was going to see but never did, see those films that I think look pretty damn cool, and try that doughnut shop that I've been drooling over on Instagram for months.

2. Make more time to see friends (those that bring joy to my life).
3. Make career choices and steps that contribute to my lifelong goal. Put in the extra hours if needs be, and voice my opinions and ideas when needed.
4. Exercise. I've always been pretty good with this one, but I want to change up my exercise routine this year. I've been stuck in a rut for a while doing the same stuff over and over, so maybe I'll try out a new class or start exercising with a friend, this will boost my moral and get me seeing some progress.
5. Diet. when people hear the word diet they so often think about cutting their calorie intake and taking out all your favourite fatty and sugary foods. Well, I'm not talking about diet in that regard, I'm talking about changing my diet to a healthy and sustainable one. Since the winter months started to creep in I often find myself reaching for ready meals, quick and easy right? Well, my skin and energy levels have definitely been paying for it. I'm going to try my hardest to cook all my meals from scratch, and make sure that I've got a hell of a lot more fruit and veg in my daily diet, because I've noticed a mental change since putting this into action since Jan 1st (yes after devouring a tube of smarties to help cure my hangover from NYE). I'm even going veggie for the majority of my meals- also a great way to save some extra dollar (another goal of mine for 2018!).
So there you have it. New Year... more me!
So there you have it. New Year... more me!