I've been meaning to review this product for a while, you can't escape it, its absolutely everywhere on Instagram. It's every bloggers go-to, so I thought it was about time I saw what all the fuss was about. At a pretty expensive price (£10) I was hoping for good things!
As some of you may know from my previous reviews and posts, I tend to steer clear of makeup wipes as I have very sensitive skin and they often sting my eyes and face. At the moment I tend to stick with Garnier's Sensitive Skin Micellar Water, A product that I have also reviewed and is one of the only products that I repeatedly buy month-in and month-out, so Bioderma has a lot to live up to! Picking up the product in the chemist I found myself thinking 'its the same product for double the price. Why am I buying this?!', but hey I fell into the instagram trap. If other bloggers love it then so must I... right?
After using this product for two weeks I can say that It is definitely a good makeup remover that treats sensitive skin with care. Dare I say it, it may even be just as good as Garnier's masterpiece that is their Micellar Water, but there is one thing that is better, and some people may say justifies the doubled price... the strength of the remover. You only need a few drops of this micelle solution to remover a full face of makeup! I find myself squirting ample amounts of Garnier's solution on a cotton wool pad before taking off my face, but this only needs one or two drops and you're done! In conclusion, you may say that although this product is £10, that it will last just as long if not two-three weeks longer than it's competitors, and is worth the price. It's weighing up the options and whether you can justify spending £10 on a makeup remover. For myself, I will be buying this product when I want to treat myself, but for when I'm budgeting and looking to save money, I'll be sticking to Garnier.
Hope you've enjoyed this review!