It's been a while since I've spent my time in deep breathing, relaxing, and finding my inner core, but Wednesday evening I fell back in love with an old flame, yoga. Not only did I spend approximately 75 minutes in my first ever Fat Buddha Yoga Jam, allowing my mind to be truly at ease and focus purely on my body in it's simplest form, this special session was raising money for Breast Cancer, a cause that is close to my own- and I'm sure many other people's- heart.

I've followed Fat Buddha on Instagram for quite a while now, and this special session enticed me to take out my old yoga mat and try again, and to be honest I don't know why I ever stopped! I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but I find that it's the perfect way to destress and give my mind a break from whatever is going on in life. When it all started I feared that it was going to be a bit to 'hippie' for me, but the instructor was amazing and focussed mostly on breath and 'surrendering' yourself to each movement. I didn't quite have an out of body experience, but I allowed myself to connect with all of my senses and truly relax for an hour- and if you know me that's a big deal! I'm already looking to book my next class, and although I won't be able to attend a session once a week, I will be trying to book onto one at least once a month.
'You don't know how strong you are until you have to be'
I would recommend these classes to anyone looking to get fit, relax or just meet some really nice people!