Having Started working full-time recently, I've found myself reevaluating a perspective that I believed was completely and entirely true - There's always time to exercise. Now, I have been lectured by a few friends about this before, and used to entirely agree with this statement, but now being in the world of work, rather than being a University student, has thrown a few more hurdles my way. My first issue is my commute, depending on where I'm commuting from, this can vary between 30-45 and 1hr 30 mins. I currently spend some nights at my house, and some at my boyfriends. So depending on what night it is I get home anytime between 6pm and 7pm. Now if I get home at 7, then eat at say 7.30, then I wont want to exercise until at least 8.30, and by that time I could be snuggled up on the sofa in my pjs, see my issue?
Exercise is something that A LOT of people struggle with, and now I can see why. I used to go to the gym around 4 times a week, I am now struggling with 2, and wish I could fit in 3. So, what's changed? I am no longer within walking distance of my gym, I no longer finish my working day at 4, and I am VERY tired after a days work. So this is my plan, this doesn't have to be yours, but here are some tips and tricks for anyone stuck at a desk all day long, who also struggles to make it to the gym every week.

1. Designate 2 gym sessions that you know you can make each week. You don't HAVE to go to both, but you MUST stick to at least 1.
2. Exercise once at home, whether it be an online Zumba Youtube video, pilates, or in the garden doing circuits.
3. If you're really struggling allocate 1 or 2 days a week where you eat your lunch at your desk, then use your 30-60 minute break to go for a walk or a run. This is a key tip as many people forget to break up their day, this is not only healthier for you, but also makes you more productive when you are at your desk as you have a fresh state of mind.
So there is my short but sweet rant about how exercise has become a bit harder recently, and now I totally get you guys! Hope these tips and tricks help.