Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Life as a Fashion Intern

After having an interview for a paid internship the other day (which sadly I did not get) and speaking to 6 other girls at the assessment day, I've realised that all fashion interns have experienced the same soul-crushing treatment over and over. We chatted about this whilst eyeing up our competition and secretly thinking 'oh god please let it be me getting my first proper paid job.'

So here are just a few of the situations fashion interns are faced with every day ...

1. Trying to look like the latest Vuitton, Acne and Chloe cookbooks when you are skint trying to style out last years Primark.

2. Having to eat last nights dinner left-overs for your packed lunch whilst surrounded by Pret, Itsu and Benugo.

3.Having to look your employed friends in the eye when they ask 'do you enjoy interning?'and silently nod and smile because they just won't understand. 

4.Going to multiple interviews and being told that you are overqualified by some and under qualified by others! Will the vicious cycle ever end...

5. Finding yourself drooling over the samples that get thrown around the office like thrift-store garments.

6. Having to style out the comfiest flats you own as your bound to be sent out on a 40 minute wild goose chase around London.

7. Knowing you could go and apply for any regular office job but don't because you're so desperate for your dream job that you'll live with mum and dad until your 30.

8. Having to pretend that you haven't just seen Kate Moss enter the building, it's no big deal, and you haven't just texted your entire contact list to record the incident. 

9.Remembering when you thought that interning would be glamorous but have now come to terms with the reality that sometimes you even have to take the boss's dog out to do a number two (this one might have just been me)

10. Thinking it's the end of the day, oh no you silly intern you've just been given 4 more tasks to do before tomorrow morning, hurry along you little unpaid being...

Real Techniques Vs Pinterest

For around a year I would have sworn by my homemade makeup brush remedy (courtesy of Pinterest) to clean my brushes, whilst also keeping their texture and shape. This Christmas I was gifted the Real Techniques Brush Cleanser, and instantly had myself thinking 'Well this is nice but I've got my home remedy that is cheap and effective.' I spoke too soon. My usual remedy of water, shampoo, olive oil, and hand soap (don't knock it till you try it!) takes a good 5-10 minutes to soak and clean your brushes, and having tries other cleansers decided this was the best and cheapest solution to wash my brushes monthly.

 When I eventually tried my new product I found the whole process 5x faster and easier than ever before! Although I am ashamed to say I didn't follow the instructions word-for-word, instead I half-filled an old glass with water and then put 4 drops of the solution in. Upon putting my brushes in the solution I could see the product work instantly, only taking 1-2 minutes to work its magic! I will never be going back to my old remedy(unless i'm too broke to afford the Real Techniques product)and can honestly say that this is the best brush cleanser I have ever used. I can't wait to buy their Cleansing Brush Palette and use both products together! 


Saturday, 16 January 2016

Super Smoothies

Now i'm not one for smoothie diets and food replacement meals, but I can't deny that I love a good cup of blended goodness to start off my day! It's one of the easiest ways to make sure you're getting at least five fruit and veg in your diet. As I love smoothies so much I thought i'd share my simple format for juicing along with my current favourite combo. You simply chose one or two ingredients from each section to create your own healthy snack...

Base: Milk, soy milk, almond milk,coconut milk, coconut water, water, ice

Second Base: Orange juice, tropical juice, apple juice, pineapple juice

Thickeners: Banana, greek yoghurt, natural yoghurt(flavoured if you wish)

Main fruit: Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes etc.

energy-kick: Spinach, Kale, raisins, goji berries, chia seeds, mara powder

Sweetner: Honey, cocoa powder, nut butter(peanut,cashew,almond), coconut flakes, cinnamon, chai latte powder

My Current favourite: Banana, raspberries, natural yoghurt, honey and pineapple juice



Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Kick-start 2016!

Every year we stuff ourselves with festive pies and puddings and then swear that in the new year we’ll either keep to our new strict diet, quit an unhealthy habit, take up a new hobby or improve (or for some people start!) our exercise routine. Well it’s fair to say i’ve dabbled in my fair share of gym classes, so here a few of my top picks, in case you’re wondering what to have a taste of…

Legs Bums and Tums
A great class to try out if you are looking to introduce an hour of high intensity exercise into your weekly routine. These classes aim to one up, firm up and burn fat from your tummy, hips, thighs and bottom, often held in-time to energising pop/dance music, which personally gets me through the session.

My personal favourite! If anyone is stressed out from revision, work, coursework, or just life in general, get yourself to a yoga class! a calm and soothing class, but not one for people looking for a hardcore workout. a fuse of the body and the mind to build your core and maintain a healthy state of mind.

These I am not so very fond of, although I have various friends who swear by Pilates, it’s definitely not for me. Often compared to Yoga yet vastly different in terms of character, for those who are looking at developing strength balance core and coordination and aren’t scared of a tough workout.

Body Combat

a high-energy martial arts-inspired workout that is often held to up tempo pop/dance music. Another one of my favourite classes, high intensity, energising and great for releasing stress, anger or any other emotions. a definite must for a hard core full body workout!

In the upcoming weeks i'm going to have a go at a few sessions of kick-boxing to sessions to see if it tickles my fancy as a new hobby! i'll keep you all updated!


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